Talveka was in Wonderland.
The dawn sky was piercing scarlet, its hot glare cast down on a field flooded with black and orange as far as the eye could see. Bodies, sundered through and ragged with a thousand morbid wounds, covered the field like dead sparrows fallen from the sky. There were thousands of them, many her beloved day-vamps who had given their life to see Noon's ultimate purpose unfold; the extermination of all those miserable night-rats in Dusk.
There was more black than orange, Talveka noted with pleasure. She couldn't exactly distinguish how many night-claws had been slaughtered. Her followers had followed her instruction meticulously; not much was left except an abattoir stretched to the horizon, strips and pieces of bloody black meat burnt up and torn apart. Most of Dusk had to have been exterminated in this attack.
The only thing left was to hit the House itself. Their warriors had been wiped out. Their heart was gaping and vulnerable, now, and whatever vermin were left, huddling like cowards in their hole, would soon be torched in the fires of noon.
Talveka inhaled, deeply, her claws wide open and still black to her fingers, as though she'd dipped them in ink. Her wings, long, black and batlike, the flaps spotted with blood and scars, were still wide open behind her. Her hands were aching pleasurably from the strain of battle; she'd splintered her lance through a night-claw's skull some hour or so ago in the heat of battle, and spent the rest of the time cutting apart every night-claw she saw before him with her own talons. Some had attempted to fight; mostly tried to run. None of them had put up any semblance of effort against her. Not one had lasted more than a few seconds against her mad flurry. She licked her fanged lips to taste the blood, relishing the stink of extermination, the savory taste of a well-done slaughter.
"You'll be a hero for this," said one of her TGS mods from behind her, with a hushed voice. "That's what this is about, right? Or am I mistaken?"